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ensign holding group organized red education visits for party members to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china


in order to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the communist party of china (cpc) and guideparty members at all levels of the group to strengthen the exercise of partyspirit and enhance the cultivation of party spirit, on june 25th, ensignholding group organized party members to carry out the red education visit withthe theme of "striving for 100 years, endeavoring ensign people".chairman of ensign holding group and the other party members in ensign attendedthis activity.

through this theme education tour,further strengthened the party member’s ideal faith, they said that continuein-depth study the spirit of generations of pioneers in the next step, inheritand carry forward the great fighting spirit of revolutionary martyrs, keep inmind and stay true to the mission, have the courage to bear and act activelytoward post. we will accelerate high-quality development of the group andcelebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstandingachievements.

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