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ensign industry awarded "2022 top 10 modern and efficient agricultural industry leaders of shandong private enterprises"


afew days ago, shandong provincial party committee and shandong provincialpeople's government held a work conference on the high-quality development of privateeconomy in jinan. li ganjie, secretary of shandong provincial party committee,zhou naixiang, deputy secretary of shandong provincial party committee and governorof shandong, members of standing committee of shandong provincial people'scongress, shandong committee of the chinese people’s political consultative conferenceand other leaders attended the conference and made speeches.

at the conference, the 2022 top 10 industry leadersof shandong private enterprises list jointly organized and determined by shandongprovincial federation of industry and commerce, department of science&technologyof shandong province, department of industry and information technology of shandongprovince, human resources and social security department of shandong province, shandongprovincial department of agriculture and rural affairs, department of commerceof shandong province, shandong provincial tax service, state taxationadministration, shandong administration for market regulation and otherdepartments was released. the company was successfully listed in the top 10industry leaders of modern and efficient agricultural industry again.

as a member of the high-quality development ofprivate enterprises in shandong province, ensign industry always adheres to thelead of scientific and technological innovation and optimizes the strategiclayout. being selected again is a great affirmation and encouragement for the companyto make continuous and stable development. in the future, the company willcontinue to take lead in demonstration, as always, stride a firm step with morepowerful measures, lead the industry high-quality development, and step up to anew stage in regional economic development.

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