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ensign industry 2022 summary commendation ceremony and 2023 work mobilization conference held


onjanuary 11, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., ensign industyr 2022 summary commendationceremony and 2023 work mobilization conference was held in the 3rdconference room. li shiyong, chairman of ensign group, li yanxuan, president ofensign group, li jian, general manager of ensign industry, and deputy generalmanagers of ensign industry attended the conference and took seats on therostrum. more than 260 people attended the conference, including the regularday shift leaders and above management personnel, representatives of staffs tobe commended, relevant personnel of business and functional departments, andtalent training objects.

atthe conference, li jian, general manager of ensign industry, made a workreport, summarizing the work completed in 2022 and planning the improvementdirection in 2023. the decision on awarding the 2022 advanced collectives andindividuals was read out at the conference, and the representatives of the 2022advanced collective and individual were awarded. after that, the six representatives,including the model workers representative and the model representatives of"daring to question, insist, and take responsibility", madestatements respectively.

atlast, li shiyong, chairman of ensign group, delivered a speech to congratulatethe advanced collectives and individuals winning the awards. what’s more, he putforward requirements and pointed out the direction for the company developmentplan in 2023 from many aspects.

aftercompleting the agendas, the conference concluded successfully.

next:ensign industry received silk banner and letter of thanks from beijing hezhong huayuan